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Upnotch Profile

Upnotch Profile
Mentor Aviation Professionals
& Make A Real Impact.
We're a Seattle-based team committed to building a mentorship community for professionals and executives like you.
Whether you're an experienced mentor or you've never done it before, we invite you to help bend the curve of fellow professionals working in Aviation - or other industries - on your terms.
Our advanced matching recommends the mentees who can benefit most from your expertise. You choose your mentee. It's simple and you can make a real impact.
COMPLETELY FREE. No costs. No membership fees.
I want to find a mentor. How do I get started?Upnotch is available now on the App Store and Google Play. If you're interested in finding a mentor, just download the app and sign up. If you can't find the right fit, please email us at and we will be in touch to discuss your needs and find someone to help you.
Can I look up your mentors without joining?This option is not available right now. But Upnotch is completely FREE to download and join so all you have to do is sign up and you can browse our mentors and reach out to anyone who you think can help you. Don't be shy - mentors join Upnotch because they want to help!
I want to become a mentor. What do I do?Upnotch is available now on the App Store and Google Play. If you're interested in becoming a mentor, just download the app and sign up. If you have more questions or need any help getting set up, just drop us a line at and we'll be happy to help.
Can I be a mentor and have one too?Absolutely! In fact, we encourage people to do just that!
How much does Upnotch cost?Nothing! Upnotch is completely free whether you're looking for a mentor or would like to be one.
Can I sign up my Company?Yes, absolutely. Email us at and our team will be happy to help you get set up.
I'm a student. Is this app for me?Upnotch is primarily aimed at Executives, Entrepreneurs and Professionals for now. But a version for students is in the works! Email us at for more information.
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