Samantha Barnes, Upnotch member, is a Talent Acquisition Operations Leader.
She is an entrepreneurial and dynamic recruiting leader with a record of successful growth in corporate environments. Skilled at leading organizations through change, challenge, and uncertainty, Samantha consistently exceeds expectations and takes on additional roles with increasing responsibility while effectively managing relationships.
She also has experience in investment hiring, global recruitment enablement, M&A, and business administration.
Samantha truly believes in mentorship and would be an excellent mentor to anyone in recruitment or talent acquisition trying to grow their career or seeking advice on change management. She’d also love to mentor anyone looking to improve their interviewing skills both for candidates and hiring/interview teams.
She is also looking for a mentor herself - someone with leadership experience to help her take her career to the next level, ideally someone with marketing experience.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with Samantha or contact us. *All mentorships are free.*
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