Barry Alavi, Upnotch Member, is the CEO and Founder of Aliage, a management consulting company.
He is a high performer Project Management Professional and Professional Engineer with more than 35 years of experience.
With a broad background in mechanical engineering, Barry has worked in the oil and gas industry for 20 years, overseeing the construction of refineries and pipelines. He later transitioned to consulting companies and gained valuable experience. Moving to Seattle, he contributed significantly to the City of Seattle Department of Transportation and Boeing, successfully managing capital project expansions. He also worked at Sound Transit and Amazon Web Services.
Barry would be an invaluable mentor to startup founders in the tech or aviation industries, as well as those in the energy sector, particularly clean energy and solar energy.
To connect with Barry, sign up today at www.upnotch.com/signup. All mentorships on Upnotch are free. 🧡
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