Britt Morque, Upnotch member, is currently Vice President and Co-Owner of Spinnaker Air, a private travel company that specializes in private jet charter and private jet acquisitions. She has experience in all aspects of the private aviation industry, ranging from aircraft operations to aircraft sales and various management positions.
Britt has 15+ years in the airlines and aviation industry, with experience in managing a single aircraft company all the way to a dynamic, full-service aviation enterprise. This specialized background and extensive knowledge in the field allows her to provide a full-service experience for every client.
Britt joined Upnotch because she loves the idea of mentoring. She would like to be a mentor to young, female, career professionals or entrepreneurs who are looking for someone with sales or financial expertise in order to start or grow their business.
She would also like to find a mentor herself, someone with sales expertise who can help her continue to grow and stand out amongst the fierce competition.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with Britt or contact us. *All mentorships are free.*
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