Erika Thurmond, Upnotch Member, is a Senior Customer Success Manager specializing in customer enablement, client advisory, and revenue generation.
With over a decade of experience in the tech space, Erika has worked across various industries, including law firms, healthcare, banking, and holds a project management certification. She excels in managing technical projects and priorities, consistently exceeding client expectations.
Erika is passionate about helping others and would be a valuable mentor to those seeking guidance in customer success or navigating Corporate America.
She is also looking for a mentor herself - a seasoned professional who can provide insights into entrepreneurship, particularly in grassroots settings with limited resources. Additionally, she seeks mentorship to refine her resume and enhance her positioning in the market.
To connect with Erika, sign up today at www.upnotch.com/signup. All mentorships on Upnotch are free. 🧡
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