Val Esway, Upnotch Member, is a Recruiting & HR Consultant at Rock Solid HR Consulting and Rock Solid Recruiting.
With over 10 years of experience in the tech industry, particularly in SaaS startups, Val excels in matching talent to roles, bringing a well-rounded understanding of the hiring landscape in smaller and emerging companies. She specializes in startup talent acquisition, offering end-to-end recruiting solutions tailored for the unique challenges of startups and small businesses.
Val's experience as a hiring manager has given her great insight into effective resume and interview strategies, and she loves to use this knowledge to help job seekers craft compelling narratives that effectively showcase skills and achievements. She also loves advising young companies on hiring strategy. At her core, she is a passionate people connector who thrives on building great teams and empowering individuals to achieve their career goals.
Val would be a fantastic mentor and career coach for anyone eager to navigate startup talent acquisition, refine resume and interview strategies, or build effective hiring processes.
To connect with Val, check out her profile https://shortlink.upnotch.com/VnVGAb3IeQb. All mentorships on Upnotch are free. 🧡
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