Vanessa Hurst, Upnotch Member, is a Contemplative Coach and author of four personal development books.
A passionate coach, she works by sharing her intuitive vision and empowering people to engage their inner wisdom and discover the answer they’re looking for within themselves in order to take steps to live more mindfully.
She loves helping people, especially people looking for their next career opportunity. She is very skilled at reframing and using the correct terminology on a resume to make any profile look more relevant to a company.
Vanessa truly believes in the importance of mentorship and would love to mentor anyone trying to figure out what skills they need to grow their career.
She is also looking for a mentor herself - someone with experience in marketing to help her market her books and raise awareness, ideally someone who has also written books.
Download Upnotch on iPhone or Android to connect with Vanessa or contact us. *All mentorships are free.*
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